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Author Profile

Gloria Mwase | Senior Vice President of Research, Impact, Innovation and Learning, CAEL

Gloria Mwase | Senior Vice President of Research, Impact, Innovation and Learning, CAEL

Current Position and Past Experience
Gloria Mwase joined CAEL in 2022 and has extensive experience in leading projects focused on postsecondary education and workforce development that advance adult learners into meaningful employment. Additionally, Mwase has worked with employers in developing sector-based industry-partnerships to advance a competitive workforce. A key emphasis of her experience focuses on measuring impact through research and evaluation, including roles as principal investigator on research.
Dr. Mwase has developed partnerships at multiple levels, generating resources to support program goals. Recent work includes a scan for the Annie E. Casey Foundation to explore efforts underway in nine communities in the South and Southwest to increase postsecondary access, persistence, and completion. She also supported the development of postsecondary education pathways across all 15 community colleges in Mississippi that link adult learners to secondary and postsecondary credentials with strong labor market value. Mwase previously served in roles at the Mississippi Community College Board, Jobs for the Future, and the Annie E. Casey Foundation. She also has taught at Cambridge College and the University of Massachusetts Boston.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Mwase holds a bachelor’s degree in economics (accounting emphasis) from Tougaloo College, and she earned her master’s and doctoral degrees in public policy from the University of Massachusetts Boston. She is also a Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Certified Professional.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Gloria enjoys reading mystery novels, walks on sunny days, going to the beach and good meals with great friends.

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