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Gale Tenen Spak | Associate Vice President for Continuing and Distance Learning (Retired), New Jersey Institute of Technology

Gale Tenen Spak | Associate Vice President for Continuing and Distance Learning (Retired), New Jersey Institute of Technology

Current Position and Past Experience
Gale Tenen Spak was Associate Vice President for Continuing and Distance Learning for 26 years at the New Jersey Institute of Technology. Spak oversaw NJIT’s Division of Continuing Professional Education including extensive experience in the areas of professional workforce development and continuing education programs and authoring and broadly presenting on these subjects. Prior, she was Dean of the School of Professional and Continuing Education for Center for Energy Policy and Research, and then the School of Professional and Continuing Education at the New York Institute of Technology for 11 years.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Spak has a Doctor of Philosophy in Political Pschology from Yale University.

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