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Author Profile

Fiona Jaramillo | Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer, EIE Partners

Fiona Jaramillo | Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer, EIE Partners

Current Position and Past Experience
Fiona Jaramillo is co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of EIE Partners, a consulting organization collaborating with institutions to promote equity and innovation, and Senior Associate at Diversified Search Group, a leading executive search consulting firm. In this capacity, she leads clients through identifying and recruiting talented executives and coaches senior leaders in their search process.

Prior to joining Diversified Search Group, Fiona was Chief of Staff at the NYU School of Professional Studies for seven years. In this role, she served as a strategic advisor to the Dean and as a senior leadership team member. Her portfolio included strategic planning, overseeing major school-wide initiatives, institutional advancement, executive communications, and spearheading the school’s diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts as the inaugural inclusion officer. Before joining NYU SPS, Fiona worked in global programs at the NYU Office of the President.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Jaramillo earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from the NYU College of Arts and Science, a Master of Public Administration degree from the NYU Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service, and a Doctorate of Education from the Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development.

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Driving modern student success in higher ed