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Author Profile

Faby Gagne | Strategic Advisor, DXtera Institute

Faby Gagne | Strategic Advisor, DXtera Institute

Current Position and Past Experience
Faby Gagne is currently a Strategic Advisor at Dxtera Institute, an organization that provides higher ed solutions and community support for institutions. A forward-looking, education pioneer who leverages social psychology theory and research in evidence-based decision making to inform higher ed strategy, Faby offers thought-leadership to leaders in higher education and EdTech. She is currently contributing to the Ed S.A.F.E. AI Alliance and collaborates with the Association for College and University Educators (ACUE) in engaging higher education leaders in conversations about the future of teaching and learning. Until recently, she was the Institutional Research Analyst for College for America and the founding Executive Director for SNHU Labs, a strategic research and development (R&D) unit at Southern New Hampshire University aimed at dismantling outdated student engagement models and stimulating paradigm shifts.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Gagne earned a PhD and MA in Experimental Social Psychology from McGill University, as well as a Bachelor’s in Psychology from Universite de Moncton. She completed a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) post-doctorate at Wellesley University. Her programmatic academic research on decision-making and goal implementation won the prestigious international Society of Experimental Social Psychology Dissertation Award was published in top tier peer-reviewed journals, and was cited in several media outlets including the New Yorker.

The SNHU Labs teams’ work was recently featured in EDUCAUSE’s Horizon Report: Teaching and Learning, and received several honors, including an honorable mention for the IMS Global Learning Impact Awards.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Faby volunteers for the Global Mentorship Initiative and sits on the School of Tellus Advisory Board. She enjoys traveling, reading, and gardening. A learner at heart, she is currently learning Spanish on Duolingo and researching the possibility of building a small goat farm to help local digital native teens reconnect with nature.

You can connect with Faby Gagne on LinkedIn

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