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Eveline Van't Foort | Former Brand Advertising Director, University of Melbourne

Eveline Van't Foort | Former Brand Advertising Director, University of Melbourne

Current Position and Past Experience
Eveline Van’t Foort is a professional marketer with over 20 years experience in higher education, most recently as the Brand Advertising Director at the University of Melbourne.

Since 2015 Eveline has been pursuing her entrepreneurial interests, working as an independent coach and mentor in the areas of leadership, and most recently as Director and founder of Wired for Business Growth working with sole traders and entrepreneurs looking to create economic independence. Van’t Foort continues to consult as a strategic marketer into higher education.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Van’t Foort holds a B.A. Honours from La Trobe University and a Graduate Diploma in Information Services from RMIT. She is a certified coach and is presently completing her Masters training at the Coaching Institute.

In 2008 Van’t Foort was honoured along with her colleagues at the AMI awards for Marketing Excellence and the Case Circle of Excellence Awards Program for the Dreamlarge Campaign.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Van’t Foort is passionate of the advancement of women in marketing and presently volunteers as a mentor and trainer for Who’s Your Mamma? and She Says. She is also a member of the ICG Inaugural Board of Champions at the International Coach Guild.

You can find Eveline at, LinkedIn, Facebook and on Twitter at @evantfoort.

Articles by this author:

The EvoLLLution Year in Review