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Erica Noll-Crawford | Program Manager of Microcredentials, Miami University Regionals

Erica Noll-Crawford | Program Manager of Microcredentials, Miami University Regionals

Current Position and Past Experience
Erica Noll-Crawford is currently Program Manager of Microcredentials at Miami University Regionals. Prior she was a program manager at the University of Cincinnati for two years. She was also a Student Services Specialist at Ohio State University before stepping into the role of College Transition Specialist at Columbus State Community College.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Noll-Crawford is currently working on her Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership and Administration from Miami University and holds a Master of Education in Higher Education from Kent State University. She also has a Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies from Capital University.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Outside of work, Erica enjoys traveling with her husband, Marcell, and snuggling with her pup, Lola. She also enjoys photography, crafting, and collecting credentials of her own, including becoming a certified instructor of Mental Health First Aid.

You can connect with Erica on LinkedIn

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