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Author Profile

Eric Boynton | Provost and Dean, Beloit College

Eric Boynton | Provost and Dean, Beloit College

Current Position and Past Experience
Eric Boynton is currently Provost and Dean at Beloit College. Most recently, Boynton served as the chair and professor of philosophy and religious studies at Allegheny College, which is a coeducational liberal arts college in northwestern Pennsylvania. He also served as the director of interdisciplinary studies, director of the honors program and chair of black studies. Boynton has been at the institution since 2002.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Boynton holds a Doctor of Philosophy in the philosophy of religion from Rice University in 2004, a Master of Arts in the Graduate Department of Religion at Vanderbilt in 1995 and a Bachelor of Arts the University of Redlands in religion and art history in 1993. he is also a Fulbright Scholar.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Eric enjoys woodworking, walking his dogs, and hiking as well as cooking and eating during his time outside of work.

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