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Ekin Yasin | Director of the Communication Leadership Program, University of Washington

Ekin Yasin | Director of the Communication Leadership Program, University of Washington

Current Position and Past Experience
Ekin Yasin is currently Director of the Communication Leadership Program, University of Washington. She has taught classes in a variety of themes related to the field of communication across different institutions in Seattle and New York. She has designed and taught classes exploring topics of media industries, digital media, and international media.

She has been an active advocate of transforming classes to active learning spaces. She is also passionate about developing novel pedagogical practices that would allow each student to bring their perspectives and identities as a useful tool to the classroom. Her integrative and innovative teaching approaches is a passion that she shares periodically with teaching and learning communities through pedagogical workshops across the US. She hopes to develop cutting-edge methods to create engaging and critical learning environments for the Communication Leadership program as well.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Yasin holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Media, Culture, Communication, along with a Master of Arts in Near Eastern Studies from New York University. She also has a Master of Arts in Anthropology from Columbia University.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Parallel to her academic existence was her love and pursuit of things related to food. During her doctoral work, she co-founded a food based social networking website, Gourmates. She wanted to use social media technologies to connect food-lovers and use that as a basis of their connection. As a part of her work as co-founder and public outreach coordinator, Ekin helped organize a series of large networking events for Gourmates community and foodies all across New York City. She gave up this pursuit to focus on her doctoral work and teaching. Now, she is a cook and organizes pop-up dinners in the Seattle area periodically where she serves her hybrid Northwestern cuisine inspired by that region of both the US and Turkey. She also writes about food and travel for a variety of Turkish publications.

You can connect with Ekin on LinkedIn

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