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Edythe M. Abdullah | Dean of the Division of Continuing Education, University of North Florida

Edythe M. Abdullah | Dean of the Division of Continuing Education, University of North Florida

Current Position and Past Experience
Edythe Abdullah has been the Dean of the Division of Continuing Education at the University of North Florida for four years. Previously, she was Special Advisor to the President for two years at the same institution. Abdullah also worked at Higher Academic Innovations as a senior consultant for six years; was President of Essex County College; and, was Campus President at Florida State College at Jacksonville for 10 years.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Abdullah holds Religion and Dramatic Arts in Theology and Religious Vocations from Valparasio University. She also has a Juris Doctor in Corporate Law from the University of Florida. Abdullah was recognized in the Congressional Record for her work in Workforce development, was a Kellogg Fellow and was inducted into the Florida Hall of Fame for her contributions to adult and workforce education.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Abdullah serves on the World Affairs Council of Jacksonville Board of Directors as Education Chair. She also served on the Operation New Hope, a prison re-entry program, board. She also championed the development of university’s Community Alliance for Student Success (CASS) program and works with the Police Athletic League of Jacksonville to encourage marginalized high school students to become college ready. She is a mother, a grandmother and loves to line dance.

You can connect with Edythe on LinkedIn

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