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Author Profile

Edwin van Rest | Chief Executive Officer, StudyPortals

Edwin van Rest | Chief Executive Officer, StudyPortals

Current Position and Past Experience
Edwin van Rest is the Co-founder and CEO of StudyPortals, an award-winning organization that helps institutions optimize their student population on the basis of results. Van Rest is also a Member of the NAGAP international advisory council and is focused on research in development of the graduate admissions professions in an international context and an Elected Member of the General Council of EAIE (European Association of International Education). Van Rest has been part of the EAIE organization since 2012 and has served as Vice-Chair and Chair of the Board on PS Marketing and Recruitment.

Edwin van Rest is a grateful beneficiary of and a true believer in international education; and through StudyPortals he wants to simulate and help students to broaden their horizon and make an informed choice across borders.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Van Rest is educated in industrial Engineering and Management Science and has spent time studying engineering in Japan, Greece, Italy and the Netherlands.

In 2013, van Rest was awarded the EAIE Rising Star Award for his contribution to international education.

You can connect with van Rest through LinkedIn and on Twitter @edwinvanrest.

Articles by this author:

Avoiding summer melt