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Author Profile

Donald Ipperciel | Chief Information Officer, York University

Donald Ipperciel | Chief Information Officer, York University

Current Position and Past Experience
Donald Ipperciel is the Chief Information Officer at York University. He joined the University as principal of Glendon Campus in 2014 from the University of Alberta’s Campus Saint-Jean (CSJ), where he was professor of political philosophy and served in several administrative roles, including vice-dean, associate dean research and associate dean information technology. He concurrently serves as President and CEO of Oohoo IT Services, specializing in computer-assisted learning such as distance learning, hybrid learning, online content and more.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Donald Ipperciel holds a BA and an MA in Philosophy from l’Université de Montréal, and a PhD in Philosophy from Ruprecht-Karls-Universität in Heidelberg, Germany.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Donald Ipperciel is an avid reader (fiction and non-fiction) and currently volunteers as President of Alliance Française Toronto.

You can connect with Donald Ipperciel on LinkedIn and Twitter @YorkUCIO.

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