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Author Profile

Didina Gonzalez | Learning Innovation and Impact, Financial Times | IE Business School Corporate Learning Alliance

Didina Gonzalez | Learning Innovation and Impact, Financial Times | IE Business School Corporate Learning Alliance

Current Position and Past Experience
Didina Gonzalez has more than 15 years of experience dedicated to the field of higher education including a position as Associate Dean of Learning Innovation at IE Business School. This multidisciplinary profile gives her a deep knowledge of all the complex aspects - technical, organisational and human as well, involved in the successful design of learning experiences.

Currently working within the Department of Learning Innovation and Impact, she works closely with faculty and the rest of the programme design team on how to implement cutting-edge instructional methods and utilise technology in order to enhance the learning experience and to maximize the impact of FT|IE CLA programmes on supporting our customers’ transformation.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Didina Gonzalez holds a Degree in Psychology and obtained the Research-proficiency Certification at Universidad Complutense. She also took an executive MBA program at IE Business School.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Learning from everyone and everything is my passion. I enjoy every day with my two teenage children discovering what it really means to be a digital native, and with my husband's down-to-earth approach that complements and expands my own vision.

Didina Gonzalez can be found on LinkedIn and on Twitter @DidinaGlez.

Articles by this author:

Corporate learning engine