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Author Profile

Diane Treis Rusk | Director of Academic Programs and Student Learning Assessment, University of Wisconsin System

Diane Treis Rusk | Director of Academic Programs and Student Learning Assessment, University of Wisconsin System

Current Position and Past Experience
Diane Treis Rusk has over three decades of public service in education, local government, and economic and community development. She currently serves as the Director of Academic Programs and Student Learning Assessment for the University of Wisconsin System Administration. In this role she provides consultation to UW System faculty and staff in the development of academic degree programs to meet current workforce and student demand. She serves as the principal system resource on matters relating to the assessment and credit award for prior learning and she has led major initiatives relative to the recognition of prior learning, credit transfer, degree completion, and other high impact educational practices at the system, state, and national level.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Treis Rusk holds a Doctor of Education in Higher Education Leadership, Policy and Organization from Vanderbilt University. She also has a Master of Science in Human Ecology and Bachelor of Science in Political Science from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
When not at work Diane can be found hiking wooded trails or horsing around with her favorite equine.

You can connect with Diane on LinkedIn

Articles by this author:

The EvoLLLution Year in Review