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Author Profile

Denise Amyot | President and CEO, Colleges and Institutes Canada

Denise Amyot | President and CEO, Colleges and Institutes Canada

Current Position and Past Experience
Denise Amyot is currently President and CEO of Colleges and Institutes Canada and has been in this position for seven years. Prior, she was President and CEO at the Canada Science and Technology Museums Corporation. She was also Govenor at Alonquin College for three years, and served as Govenor at the University of Ottawa. She has spent the major part of her career in senionr positions with the federal government, in policy, program and service delivery, and the corptorate sector

Education, Honors and Achievements
Amyot holds a Bachelor of Science, a Bachelor in Education and a Master in Education from the University of Ottawa. She also has a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Quebec. She has also earned many awards, both nationally and internationally.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
She is an avid reader and a foodie, who also enjoys skiing, skating, and sailing on Lake Ontario.

You can connect with Denise on LinkedIn and Twitter

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