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Dean Hoke | Co-Founder and Managing Director, Edu Alliance Group

Dean Hoke | Co-Founder and Managing Director, Edu Alliance Group

Current Position and Past Experience
Dean Hoke is Co-Founder and Managing Director of Edu Alliance Group and in July 2023, will be President and CEO of the American Association of University Administrators. Dean has decades of progressively responsible and visionary leadership roles in higher education, communications & online learning. He has led numerous initiatives that have created innovation & positive change in the higher education & non-profit sector. Dean is a member of the Board of the American Association of University Administrators, the Franklin University School of Education Advisory Board, and a member of NAFSA.

Dean began his career in 1975 with Bellarmine University working in a variety of roles including Admissions and External Relations. In 1983 he entered the broadcasting field serving as a senior executive for Public Broadcasting System stations and a cable network. In 1998 he co-founded The Connected Learning Network a full-service online learning company and in 2009 accepted an invitation to move to the United Arab Emirates serving in senior positions at Higher Colleges of Technology & Khalifa University before co-founding Edu Alliance in 2014.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Hoke participates in numerous advisory & consulting projects in the fields of international education, branding, business intelligence and online learning. He is an active speaker and writer in the field of international higher education and distance learning.

Dean has presented and written on the field of leadership, higher education and distance learning in the United States, Turkey, Spain, Lebanon, Oman, and the United Arab Emirates.

Hoke has a B.A from Urbana University, a M.S from the University of Louisville, and a Certificate in Executive Management from the University of Pennsylvania Wharton School. Dean currently resides in Bloomington, Indiana.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Dean is a lifelong baseball fan and a collector of sports memorabilia. He and his wife Nancy love to travel and visit college campuses.

You can connect with Dean on LinkedIn

Articles by this author:

Avoiding summer melt