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Author Profile

Dawn White | Manager of Academic Development and Quality, Algoma University

Dawn White | Manager of Academic Development and Quality, Algoma University

Current Position and Past Experience
Dawn White currently serves as the Manager of Academic Development and Quality at Algoma University. As the Manager of Academic Development and Quality, White works with faculty and staff on program development, credit transfers and strategic academic projects. White ensures that programs are developed, revised, and reviewed in accordance with provincial quality assurance standards.

Prior to coming to Algoma University, White worked in the private sector as an Export Coordinator responsible for distribution of environmentally safe bearing solutions to over 80 different countries. In this role she built relationships with international customers, coordinated logistics and customs, and arranged financial transactions with worldwide banks.

Education, Honors and Achievements
White earned her BSc in Wildlife Biology from the University of Guelph in 1998 and is currently completing her M.Ed in Postsecondary Studies at Memorial University. Her thesis research focuses on the school-to-work transition for Algoma University graduates in Sault Ste. Marie.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
White is an avid hiker and active volunteer with the Voyageur Trail Association (VTA). She is a regular contributor to the VTA newsletter and is presently taking a leadership role in the development of a new strategic plan for the VTA. Since her return to Northern Ontario in 2005, she has enjoyed exploring the lakes, rivers, and trails of the Algoma region and Northern Michigan.

You can connect with White at

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