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Author Profile

David Leaser | Senior Program Executive of Innovation and Growth Initiatives, IBM

David Leaser | Senior Program Executive of Innovation and Growth Initiatives, IBM

Current Position and Past Experience
David Leaser is the senior executive of strategic growth initiatives for IBM’s Training & Skills program. Leaser developed IBM’s first cloud-based embedded learning solution and is the founder of IBM’s Digital Badge program. He is a Fellow at Northeastern University and a member of the IMS Global Consortium Board advisory group for digital credentials. He has provided guidance to the US Department of Labor and the US Department of Education as an employer subject matter expert. 

Education, Honors and Achievements
David Leaser holds a Master’s degree in Communications Management from the University of Southern California and a Bachelor’s degree in Communications from Pepperdine University. 

Personal Details and Community Involvement
David is an award-winning photographer, best known for his highly detailed botanical images.  He is an active community volunteer for groups like American Heritage Girls.

You can connect with David Leaser on LinkedIn or Twitter.

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Corporate learning engine