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Author Profile

David Heflin | Vice President of Academic Affairs, West Kentucky Community and Technical College

David Heflin | Vice President of Academic Affairs, West Kentucky Community and Technical College

Current Position and Past Experience
Dr. David Heflin is West Kentucky Community and Technical College’s Chief Academic Officer.

Prior to accepting his current post, Dr. Heflin served as Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs and Director of Curriculum and Instruction at WKCTC, leading several college-wide endeavors such as a textbook taskforce that resulted in more than $500,000 in student savings in textbook costs and their Accelerate You! program. Dr. Heflin worked for 16 years as a registered sonographer and radiographer before joining WKCTC full time in 2008, and taught vascular ultrasound and vascular scanning as an adjunct instructor before becoming an Associate Professor and Coordinator of the Radiology Program at WKCTC.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Dr. Heflin gained his Master of Science degree in Organizational Communications in 2010 from Murray State University, and his Doctorate in Educational Policy Studies and Evaluation in 2015 from the University of Kentucky. A registered radiographer and sonographer, Dr. Heflin completed programs in abdominal and obstetrics/gynecology and vascular technology at St. Luke’s Hospital School of Diagnostic Medical Sonography in Kansas City, Missouri.

Dr. Heflin has received the WKCTC/Paducah Junior College Board of Trustees Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching, and the Outstanding Teacher Award in Allied Health and Personal Services. He has also been recognized as a United Way of Paducah-McCracken County Leadership Giver.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Dr. Heflin enjoys the natural surroundings of western Kentucky including hiking, fishing, and camping. He and his wife of 26 years live on a small farm in western Kentucky and are actively involved with their community through the United Way of Paducah-McCracken County.

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