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Author Profile

Dave Eng | Clinical Professor, School of Professional Studies, New York University

Dave Eng | Clinical Professor, School of Professional Studies, New York University

Current Position and Past Experience
Dave Eng, EdD is an intellectual and creative communicator, educator, designer, researcher, and author who focuses on games, theory, and technology. Dave serves as a faculty member at New York University’s School of Professional Studies. Dave hosts the podcast Experience Points and consults at University XP on games-based learning. He also leads the Games Based Learning Alliance , a community of individuals who use games for teaching, training, learning, and development.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Dave Eng holds a Doctorate of Education – Higher Education from Northeastern University. He also has a Master of Arts – Higher Education & Student Personnel Administration from New York University, as well as a Bachelor of Arts – Communications from the University of Hartford.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Dave enjoys board games, the great outdoors, travel, and adventure sports

You can connect with Dave on LinkedIn , Twitter and

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