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Author Profile

Darrel Hammon | Senior Director of Academic Outreach, Utah Valley University

Darrel Hammon | Senior Director of Academic Outreach, Utah Valley University

Current Position and Past Experience
Darrel Hammon is the Associate Vice President for Academic Outreach and Economic Development at Utah Valley University, a role he took on in 2016. This followed two yeas as has served as Senior Director of Academic Outreach. Before joining Utah Valley University, Hammon served as President of Laramie County Community College for 4.5 years. This followed five years as President of Miles Community College. From 1997 until 2001, Hammon served as the Associate Vice President for Extended Programs at Lewis-Clark State College.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Hammon earned his B.A. in English and his M.A. in English Education from Boise State University and a Ph.D. in Education with an emphasis in Adult Education from the University of Idaho.

Hammon was awarded the Distinguished Alumni Award for Professional Accomplishment from Ricks College and Brigham Young University-Idaho. Hammon was also given the award of Merit for Outstanding Contributions to the Enhancement of Adult Education from Mountain Plains Adult Education Association (MPAEA).

Hammon wrote Completing Graduate School Long Distance and a children’s book Christmas Beneath the Lake. He has also published essays, poetry, and newspaper copies, in English and Spanish. He also served as the editor of the Mountain Plains Adult Education Association’s Adult Education Journal.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Hammon and his wife served as Welfare Specialists in the Caribbean Area Welfare Office for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and lived in the Dominican Republic, 2011-2013. Additionally, for the past three years, he and his wife have served as the Thursday night coordinators for the Volunteer Care Clinic, a free health care clinic in south Provo (Utah). He has also served on various local, state, regional, and national boards and committees.

An Idahoan, Hammon enjoys writing; gardening; taking photos; volunteering; and being with his family—two daughters and their husbands, four grandchildren, and his incredible wife.

You can find Darrel Hammon on LinkedIn and on or Twitter @darrelhammon. For more of his writing, you can visit his personal blog, his professional blog or his website.

Hammon also writes for Deseret News, MormonTimes,, and

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