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Author Profile

Darragh McNally | Associate Vice President, University of Maryland Global Campus

Darragh McNally | Associate Vice President, University of Maryland Global Campus

Current Position and Past Experience
Darragh McNally is the Associate Vice President of the University of Maryland Global Campus. Previously at UMGC, McNally was an Associate Professor, Assistant Vice Provost, and an Academic Research Analyst.

Prior to his time at UMGC, McNally was a Data Analyst at Infina, Ltd.

Education, Honors and Achievements
McNally earned his PhD in Political Science and Government from the University of Maryland, the same institution where he earned his Master’s in the same subject.

He also has a Master’s in Philosophy and a Bachelor’s in Philosophy and English from University College Park.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
McNally has three young children who take up most of his time, but enjoys coaching his kids' soccer teams, cooking, playing music, and dreaming of the travel he will do when his kids are a little older.

You can connect with Darragh McNally on LinkedIn

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