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Author Profile

Daniel Julius | Provost and Senior Vice President, New Jersey City University

Daniel Julius | Provost and Senior Vice President, New Jersey City University

Current Position and Past Experience
Dr. Daniel Julius currently serves as the Provost and Senior Vice President of New Jersey City University. Previously, Julius served as the Executive Director of the Levin Institute at the State University of New York (SUNY) and attended faculty appointments at the ILR School at Cornell University and the University of Albany. Julius is also a visiting scholar at the Center for Studies in Higher Education at the University of California. Before joining SUNY, Julius was Vice President for Academic Affairs and Research for the University of Alaska and a Professor in the School of Management at University of Alaska Fairbanks. Julius has also gained experience as the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs at Benedictine University and an Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs and Director of the center for Strategic Leadership at the University of San Francisco. Julius was also part of the California State University faculty as an Assistant Vice Chancellor and Director of Faculty and Staff Relations.

Dr. Julius opinion is trusted in the United States with topics like industrial labor relations/collective bargaining in higher education. Julius has had editorials published in The Chronicle of Higher Education and Inside Higher Education.

Dr. Julius is an international Lecturer as a Fullbright Scholar in Europe, the Middle East and Asia. For 20 years, Julius worked as a visiting scholar at the International Labor Organization in Geneva and a Guest Lecturer throughout Canadian institutions.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Julius earned his BA from the Ohio State University. Julius earned his MA and his EdD from Teachers College at Columbia University. After receiving his doctorate, Julius completed a post doctoral fellowship at Stanford University.

Articles by this author:

Avoiding summer melt