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Author Profile

Cynthia Berhtram | Associate Director of Project Management, Stanford University

Cynthia Berhtram | Associate Director of Project Management, Stanford University

Current Position and Past Experience
Cynthia Berhtram is associate director of project management in the Office of the Vice Provost for Digital Education at Stanford University, formed in 2021. Along with leading that team’s portfolio of innovative and equity-driven digital education projects, she co-authored the recent report from that office, Lessons from Teaching and Learning at Stanford During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Review, 2020-21. She is passionate about the power of educational technology to impact the teaching and learning experience and teaches an M.Ed. course on innovative educational technology and media. In her more than 10 years working in higher education, she has led complex and future-oriented projects, ranging from a large-scale learning management system migration at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, to the development of custom learning simulations at the Stanford Graduate School of Business.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Berhtram holds a Master of Science in Library and Information Science from Simmons University, as well as a Graduate Certificate in Learning Design and Technology from Harvard Extension School. She was inducted into Beta Phi Mu, the International Honor Society for Library and Information Science. She also received the Association of Computing in the Humanities Young Scholar Award, Digital Humanities Summer Institute Scholarship, and a Confucius Institute Scholarship to study librarianship in China.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Berhtram lives in Petaluma, California with her partner and two young children. She sits as Education Committee Chair on the board of the Petaluma Historical Library & Museum and enjoys spending time outdoors cycling, hiking, and camping.

You can connect with Cynthia on LinkedIn

Articles by this author:

The EvoLLLution Year in Review