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Author Profile

Courtney Brafford | Director of Student Success, University of Memphis Global

Courtney Brafford | Director of Student Success, University of Memphis Global

Current Position and Past Experience
Courtney Brafford serves as the Executive Director of UofM Global, the online arm of the University of Memphis. With an extensive background in academic advising and student retention, she has been supporting fully online learners since 2017. She and her team oversee all aspects of the online student experience including marketing, enrollment management, and wrap around services to ensure that fully online students are supported throughout their educational journey.

Over the last several years, enrollment in UofM Global has doubled, with steady growth year-over-year in both headcount and credit hour enrollment, currently supporting over 5000 fully online learners. Ranked as the #1 online college in the state of Tennessee, UofM Global also ranks in the top 50 of online degree programs by US News & World Report.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Brafford holds a Master of Science in Counselor Education from Brooklyn College and a Bachelor of Arts in History from Loyola University Maryland. She was a member of the inaugural class of Fellows for P3*EDU connecting higher education leaders in online learning and public-private partnerships.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Evenings and weekends will usually find Brafford cheering on her two children from the sidelines of some kind of field (currently lacrosse and soccer). When not shepherding her kids to school, practice, and games, she enjoys traveling, cooking, and reading.

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