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Cory Rusin | Student Success Coordinator, Binghamton University

Cory Rusin | Student Success Coordinator, Binghamton University

Current Position and Past Experience
Cory Rusin is part of the Broome County Higher Education Access, Retention and Success team, a SUNY-funded grant program dedicated to aiding Binghamton University and SUNY Broome students, as well as community residents, complete their education. Prior to taking on her current role, Rusin was an Outreach Coordinator on the implementation team for Bridge to Employment and Academic Marketplace, a federal grant-funded program approved by the Workforce Innovation Fund at Broome-Tioga Workforce.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Rusin is a PhD student in Community Research and Action at Binghamton University, focusing her research on the barriers to re-enrollment in higher education. She earned her Master’s degree in General Psychology from Adelphi University, graduating Summa Cum Laude, and holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the State University of New York College at Oneonta.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
When she’s not in the office or classroom, Cory enjoys practicing yoga, rock climbing, paddling her kayak, or hiking in the New York wilderness.

You can connect with Cory Rusin on LinkedIn.

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