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Christopher M. Mullin | Strategy Director of Data and Measurement, Lumina Foundation

Christopher M. Mullin | Strategy Director of Data and Measurement, Lumina Foundation

Current Position and Past Experience
Christopher M. Mullin is currently Strategy Director of Data and Measurement at Lumina Foundation. Prior, he was Director at Strong Start to Finish for three years. In 2013, he became Assistant Vice Chancellor for Policy and Research at State University System of Florida. He then moved on to become Executive Vice Chancellor of The Florida College System.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Mullin holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Higher Education Administration and a Bachelor of Arts in Arts Education from University of Florida. He also has a Master of Education in Curriculumn and Teaching from Teachers College of Columbia University.

He is a prolific writer having co-authored books, including Community College Finance: A Guide for Institutional Leaders, journal articles, policy briefs, and various other publications resulting in over 250 presentations at the international, national, state and local level. His work has been reported on in The Wall Street Journal, The Chronicle of Higher Education, Inside Higher Education, and EdWeek among others.

His distinctions include the Barbara K. Townsend Emerging Scholar Award (2012), his selection as a National Education Finance Conference Distinguished Research & Practice Fellow (2014) as well as being recognized as a University of Florida Outstanding Young Alumnus (2018).

He also serves/ed on numerous advisory and workgroups, such as The Interagency Working Group on Expanded Measures of Enrollment and Attainment (GEMEnA), The National Post-College Outcomes Initiative, and the National Postsecondary Education Cooperative.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Chris spends his time outside of the work day with family and friends or can be found working on creative activities at a local coffee shop. He also volunteers in local schools.

While holding professiona positions during the day, after work he continues to serve the postsecondary community in many ways, which include but are not limited to serving on the Editorial Advisory Boards of four academic journals and engaging in guest lectures.

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