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Christine Fonner | Course Faculty Manager in the College of Business Graduate School, Western Governors University

Christine Fonner | Course Faculty Manager in the College of Business Graduate School, Western Governors University

Current Position and Past Experience
Christine Fonner is a Course Faculty Manager in the College of Business Graduate School at Western Governors University. She manages a team of professors and multiple courses in the Masters of Management and Leadership (MSML) and Masters of Business Administration (MBA) programs. Prior to her role at WGU, Christine specialized in startup business development, strategic and operational management, and spent several years in change management in administrator roles in K-12 education.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Christine recently started her PhD in Organizational Leadership at North Central University and has several projects in the works for publishing. She also has a Masters in Management and Leadership from St. John’s University.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Christine is an adventurous traveler and has enjoyed mountain biking all over the world. She spent seven years challenging herself in multi-day stage races including races in South Africa, Costa Rica, and British Columbia. When she is not actively involved in community building efforts in her hometown of Silverton, Colorado, she enjoys time outside in the mountains with her husband and two dogs.

You can connect with Christine on LinkedIn

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