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Author Profile

Christie Harper | Associate Vice President of Enrollment, Marketing and Communications, University of Arizona

Christie Harper | Associate Vice President of Enrollment, Marketing and Communications, University of Arizona

Current Position and Past Experience
Christie Harper is currently Associate Vice President of Enrollment Marketing and Communications at the University of Arizona. She is responsible for all undergraduate enrollment marketing initiatives campus-wide and oversees enrollment marketing for the University of Arizona Online.

Previously, she served as Assistant Vice President for University Marketing at California Lutheran University. There, she led all marketing initiatives for undergraduate and graduate enrollment, advancement, athletics and university brand development.

Christie has more than 25 years of experience in branding and marketing, both inside companies and with agencies. Prior to joining Cal Lutheran, she was founder and president of brand consulting firm Brand Endeavor for 4 years, and served 8 years in a senior leadership role at Siegel+Gale, a leading global brand consulting firm. While there, she led major brand strategy initiatives for clients such as Lexus, Microsoft, Chevron and Technicolor.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Christie earned a B.A. in Communication Studies from UCLA, and an M.A. in Communication Management from The Annenberg School at USC. She is a frequent speaker at industry conferences and events, and is currently serving as the co-chair of the American Marketing Association Higher Education Symposium.

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Avoiding summer melt