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Author Profile

Chris Vento | Founder, Innoventify

Chris Vento | Founder, Innoventify

Current Position and Past Experience
Chris Vento is a software product and technology leader with proven experience as a visionary and innovator in defining the strategic technology and product direction, underlying architecture, and development of next generation highly innovative and disruptive software solutions spanning the web, mobile and cloud mediums focused in the EdTech, and web/mobile and cloud/enterprise software industry sectors. In addition, as a leading educational software technology advisor and spokesperson, he is very active as a leader and contributor in the software and edtech industry standards and interoperability initiatives.

Vento currently serves as Founder and Principal of Innoventify, a technology consulting and software services provider driving innovation in technology strategy, design, architecture and implementation. He is also an advisor and mentor at the Boston based Harvard iLab and LearnLaunch. Prior to this, Vento served as Founder and CEO of Intellify Learning, a “learning intelligence as a service” data analytics PaaS and analytics solution provider.

Throughout Chris’ personal edtech experience delivering LMS, digital publishing, analytics and interoperability standards solutions, although positive impact and advances have been achieved mostly leveraging technology to drive institution value and efficiencies in academics and operations indirectly impacting the student, there are still critical gaps in providing more direct student lifecycle value and cohesiveness across their academic experience. With that, Chris’ current edtech project work focus and involvement in partnering with solution/technology providers, and acting as an advisor/mentor to many companies in the space such as Pragya Systems, is an added means to support and steer some innovative and interesting solutions to bridge these very opportunistic gaps in the exciting educational transformation underway.

You can connect with Chris Vento on LinkedIn.

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Corporate learning engine