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Chaouki Abdallah | Acting President, University of New Mexico

Chaouki Abdallah | Acting President, University of New Mexico

Current Position and Past Experience
Chaouki Abdallah is currently serving as the Acting President of the University of New Mexico. This follows six years as UNM's Provost and Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs. Before moving to this role, Abdallah served as the ECE Department Chair for five years. This followed six years as Director of ECE’s Graduate Program.

Abdallah has co-authored eight books and over 300 peer reviewed papers.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Abdallah earned his B.E. from Youngstown State University. He earned his MS and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology.

Abdallah was the first person to be awarded ECE’s Lawton Ellis Award for combined excellence in teaching, research and student/community involvement. In 2004, Abdallah received the School of Engineering Senior Research Excellence Award. He is also a recipient of the IEEE Millennium award

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Abdallah serves on the Central New Mexico United Way board, the Albuquerque Academy board of trustees, and the board of STC.UNM. He is an avid traveler, reader, enjoys cooking and entertaining.

You can connect with Chaouki Abdallah on LinkedIn.

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