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Author Profile

Celia Merrill | Former Director of Regional Campuses Hill Country and Highland Lakes, Texas Tech University

Celia Merrill | Former Director of Regional Campuses Hill Country and Highland Lakes, Texas Tech University

Current Position and Past Experience
Celia Merrill is the former Director of Regional Campuses Hill Country and Highland Lakes at Texas Tech University and retired in June 2024.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Merrill holds a Ph.D. in English Language and Linguistics from the University of Texas and a B.A. in English from Belhaven University. She is certified as a Senior Human Resource Management professional and was recognized with the inaugural Professional Excellence Award by the Human Resource Management Association of New Mexico. In 2011, she received the Governor’s Award for Outstanding New Mexico Women.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Merrill served two terms on the Marble Falls City Council and currently serves as the Chair of the Marble Falls Parks and Recreation Commission. Passionate about native plants and pollinators, she is in the process of pursuing certification as a Texas Master Naturalist.

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