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Carolyn MacLaren | Director of Continuing Education, University of Fraser Valley

Carolyn MacLaren | Director of Continuing Education, University of Fraser Valley

Current Position and Past Experience
Carolyn MacLaren is currently Director of Continuing Education at University of Fraser Valley and has been in the position since March 2020. She has also been Principal at Flexible Talent since March 2006, and Co-Founder/Director of since July 2018. Previously, she was Director of Future Student’s Office at Kwantlen Polytechnic University. Prior, she was Learning and Organizational Development Specialist of Sales and Marketing at Bell West.

Education, Honors and Achievements
MacLaren is currently seeking a doctor of education in Educational Leadership from University of Calgary. She holds a master of arts in Communications from McGill University and a master of science in Instructional Performance Technology from Boise State University.

Articles by this author:

Driving modern student success in higher ed