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Carol Howard | Director of the School of Extended Education, Brandman University

Carol Howard | Director of the School of Extended Education, Brandman University

Current Position and Past Experience
Carol Howard is a Director of the School of Extended Education at Brandman University, part of the Chapman University System. This appointment followed her time as Director of Corporate Training and Custom Solutions at Brandman.

Howard has worked as an instructor in higher education and as a program manager in university, government and private industry settings. She has been a speaker on behalf of both a Big 10 university and a Fortune 100 corporation.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Howard earned a BS in Electrical Engineering at Penn State University. She completed her Masters at The George Washington University.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Howard has served as president of a philanthropic organization aimed at providing leadership and service opportunities for mothers and daughters as well as serving as chair for several non-profit charitable organizations. Her passions include her husband, college aged children, cooking, traveling and all things wine. Her empty nest currently includes 2-3 dogs depending on the day.

Carol Howard can be found on LinkedIn.

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