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Author Profile

Caren Arbeit | Research Analyst in the Education and Workforce Development Division, RTI International

Caren Arbeit | Research Analyst in the Education and Workforce Development Division, RTI International

Current Position and Past Experience
Caren Arbeit is a Research Analyst in the Education and Workforce Development division at RTI International with expertise in graduate education, postgraduate labor market outcomes, non-traditional postsecondary students and non-traditional forms of postsecondary education, such as bootcamps/coding academies. She specializes in education research, data analysis, and survey data quality. Prior to this she was a Graduate Research Assistant at University of Minnesota for seven years, working on the IPUMS-USA project in her last two years of graduate school.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Dr. Arbeit holds earned a Master’s and a PhD in Sociology from University of Minnesota. She also has a Masters in in Sociology of Education from New York University, and Bachelor’s degree in Sociology from Skidmore College.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Caren lives in Northern California and visits cold and foggy beaches with her friends and family often. She also enjoys yoga, riding her bike, and cooking.

You can connect with Caren Arbeit on LinkedIn or follow her on Twitter @carenarbeit .

Articles by this author:

Avoiding summer melt