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Author Profile

Caleb Simmons | Executive Director of Online Education, University of Arizona

Caleb Simmons | Executive Director of Online Education, University of Arizona

Current Position and Past Experience
Caleb is currently Executive Director of Online Education at the University of Arizona and has been with the institution since 2014. He also serves as Faculty Director of the Interdisciplinary Studies, Professor of Religious Studies, and Center for University Education Scholarship Distinguished Fellow. He was also a Daniel H. H. Ingalls Memorial and Kannada Fellow at the American Institute of Indian Studies.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Caleb holds a Ph.D. in Religion from University of Florida. He also has a Master of Arts in Religion from Florida State University along with a Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies from Missouri State University. He will complete his Master of Business Administration with concentrations in Management and Marketing from the University of Arizona in Fall 2023. He is also author of several academic monographs, including Devotional Sovereignty (Oxford University Press 2020) and Singing the Goddess into Place (SUNY 2022).

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Caleb grew up on a small cotton and peanut farm in Jay, FL and loves the outdoors and college athletics.

Articles by this author:

Avoiding summer melt