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Caitlin Grant | Dean of Economic and Workforce Development, York County Community College

Caitlin Grant | Dean of Economic and Workforce Development, York County Community College

Current Position and Past Experience
Caitlin Grant is currently Dean of Economic and Workforce Development at York County Community College and has been with the institution since 2020. Some of her other roles there include Director of Economic and Workforce Development, Director of Enrollment Management, as well as Adjunct Professor. Prior, she was with the Maine Community College System where she was Regional Access Director of EMBARK before stepping into the role of Lead Navigator Developer.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Grant holds a Master of Arts and Bachelor of Arts in English/Language Arts Teacher Education from the University of New Hampshire.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Cait is a passionate horsewoman and spends her free-time in the saddle. Additionally, she serves on the Board for United Way of Southern Maine and The Sanford Regional Economic Growth Council.

You can connect with Cait on LinkedIn

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