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Buffy Tanner | Director of Innovation and Special Projects, Shasta College

Buffy Tanner | Director of Innovation and Special Projects, Shasta College

Current Position and Past Experience
Buffy Tanner is currently the Director of Innovation and Special Projects at Shasta College. Other roles she had at Shasta were Director of ACE/BOLD as well as Project Consult. Prior to Shasta College, Tanner was at UC Davis for 20 years. Some of her roles there include; Director of Financial Aid Services, Scholarship Coordinator, Advisor/Assistant Director and Academic Advisor.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Tanner holds a Master’s Degree in Adult Education from Western Kentucky University. She also has a Bachelor of Art’s in English from UC Davis.

You can connect with Buffy on LinkedIn

Articles by this author:

Avoiding summer melt