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Bryanna Licciardi | Academic Advisor in the College of Education, Middle Tennessee State University

Bryanna Licciardi | Academic Advisor in the College of Education, Middle Tennessee State University

Current Position and Past Experience
Since 2015, Bryanna Licciardi has served as an Academic Advisor for the College of Education at Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU). Before joining MTSU, Licciardi was an Educational Lesson Writer for Licciardi has worked in higher education and student success since she herself was a college student. During her undergraduate degree, Licciardi managed Austin Peay State University’s tutoring lab for two years. While working on her masters, she served as a graduate assistant for Emerson College’s writing center in Boston.

Licciardi is also an active member of several academic organizations including NACADA, MTSU’s Professional Development Committee and the Re-Imagining the First-Year Experience Campus Innovation Team.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Licciardi earned her BA in English from Austin Peay State University and her MFA in Poetry from Emerson College. During her MFA program, she received a Graduate Writing Award for her essay “The Baby Train,” which has since been published by Cleaver Magazine.

To improve her current work with students, as well as her understanding of literacy trends, she is enrolled in MTSU’s doctorate program for literacy studies, where she hopes to synthesize developments in teaching and measuring literacy as it benefits higher education.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Outside of higher education, Licciardi’s loves include writing poetry (her first book is set to come out in August 2017 from Finishing Line Press) and finding creative ways to trick her overweight cat into exercising. She has been a volunteer for community tutoring and for the local poetry open mic reading series, Poetry in the Boro.

You can connect with Licciardi through her LinkedIn profile or find more about her publications on her website

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