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Brit Katz | Interim Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs, University of South Carolina Upstate

Brit Katz | Interim Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs, University of South Carolina Upstate

Current Position and Past Experience
Brit Katz is currently interim vice chancellor of Student Affairs and dean of students at USC Upstate. Since his arrival, the Division of Student Affairs undertook a new strategic plan. A new undergraduate ‘hall of fame’ was established. Three new codes of conduct were written for non-academic behavior, academic integrity, and sexual misconduct. New faculty-staff teams to support African-American students; Latina/Latino/LatinX/Hispantic students; LGBTQIA+ students have been created. He comes to Upstate with more than 35 years of higher education experience, including 16 years at Millsaps College in Jackson, Mississippi, where he was vice-president and senior dean for Student Life and assistant professor of education. During his tenure at Millsaps, Katz helped establish several programs and initiatives to support students. They include the African-American Student Advisory Circle; the DiverCity Council; SAFE Space for the LGBTQ+ community; the Center for Career Education; and the International Student Organization.

As co-chair of the Millsaps Retention and Care Team and the enrollment management committee, Katz helped welcome new students to campus and ensure their academic success while there. He also collaborated with Institutional Advancement to create three endowments recognizing student achievement, and with his department, developed awards for student leadership.

Katz also oversaw the Millsaps athletics department, and helped expand full-time sports offerings from 10 to 18. He was instrumental in efforts to build new sports facilities, including a tennis-softball complex and track and field facility. Three new residence halls were constructed and opened during his Millsaps tenure.

Prior to his career at Millsaps, Katz was assistant dean for Campus Life and director of Residence Life at Emory University in Atlanta. Prior to Emory, he served as Director of Campus Programs for the University of Louisiana at Monroe.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Katz received his Ph.D. in higher education administration from the University of Mississippi. He also has a Master of Education and a Bachelor of Arts in political science from Mississippi State University.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Past service includes the American Heart Association, the Mississippi Crossroads Film Festival, the St. Mark’s Church Breakfast Club, and the Atlanta Food Bank. Avocations include movies and film study, travel, and the study of human motivation.

You can connect with Brit on LinkedIn

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