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Bridgett Strickler | Vice President of Strategic Partnerships, CAEL

Bridgett Strickler | Vice President of Strategic Partnerships, CAEL

Current Position and Past Experience
Bridgett Strickler is currently Vice President of Strategic Partnerships of CAEL and joined in 2023. Deeply committed to advancing scalable practices and policies that lead to more equitable outcomes for students of all ages, Strickler helps develop, operationalize, and implement CAEL's strategic partnership strategy. Strickler brings a combination of education and entrepreneurship to CAEL. She most recently served as chief strategy officer at The Graduate! Network (TGN) and previously held other senior roles at the organization in the areas of learning and impact, network engagement, and business engagement.

She is the co-creator of Bridging The Talent Gap – an employer and employee engagement strategy – and also served as co-Principal Investigator for research on both TGN’s Bridging the Talent Gap and Data That Move Us initiatives. Strickler’s leadership of Education Matters Southern Indiana is another example of her significant experience in the education field. She has served as an entrepreneur in her work with new businesses and not for profits as strategic planner and organizer as well as her ownership and management of Sale With Us.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Strickler earned her master’s in business administration as part of University of Louisville’s and University of Kentucky’s Joint Executive MBA program and she holds a master’s in teaching from University of Louisville. In 2016, Strickler was awarded an honorary associate’s degree from Ivy Tech Community College for her work as the founding executive director of Education Matters Southern Indiana.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Bridgett enjoys home entertaining, participating in community events as well as swimming, walking, jogging, and hiking in her free time with her husband, Stuart. Together they have two daughters, two cats, and two grand-cats. She also serves as a mentor for adult learners and recent graduates at one of her alma maters, University of Louisville.

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