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Author Profile

Brian Murphy Clinton | Assistant Vice President of Enrollment Management, Northeastern University

Brian Murphy Clinton | Assistant Vice President of Enrollment Management, Northeastern University

Current Position and Past Experience
Brian Murphy Clinton is the Assistant Vice President of Enrollment Management for the Northeastern University Global Network. In this role, Brian guides the strategic enrollment management efforts for professional undergraduate and graduate programs across the university.

Prior to this, Murphy Clinton served for three years as the Executive Director of Enrollment Management at Northeastern University’s College of Professional Studies and, before this role, in a number of positions within Northeastern’s Office of Student Financial Services.

His research is focused on retention models and programs for marginalized populations.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Murphy Clinton received his BS from Stonehill College in 2000. In 2005, he completed his Master’s in Higher Education Administration at Boston College. He completed his Doctorate in Education at Northeastern University in 2011.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Outside of work, Murphy Clinton enjoys running, coaching his daughters’ sports teams, and, when the weather cooperates, boating. He is an avid craft beer aficionado who seeks to find the best IPAs on the East coast, West coast and everywhere in-between.

Brian Murphy Clinton is on LinkedIn and on Twitter @bmurphyclinton

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