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Author Profile

Brian Haugabrook | Former Chief Information Officer, Valdosta State University

Brian Haugabrook | Former Chief Information Officer, Valdosta State University

Current Position and Past Experience
Brian Haugabrook is a consultant providing services to support strategic planning, business intelligence, data warehousing, predictive analytics and student success innovations.

From 2014-2016, Haugabrook served as the Chief Information Officer at Valdosta State University. Haugabrook started at Valdosta State University in 2005 as a Programmer and then advanced to a Programmer Analyst Coordinator, Director of Enterprise Applications and then Interim CIO before stepping into the role full-time.

Prior to working at VSU, Haugabrook served as a Developer and Automation Specialist at State Farm Corporate Law.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Haugabrook earned his BS in Computer Science and his Masters of Public Administration from Valdosta State University.

He was named one of ComputerWorld's Premier 100 IT Leaders in 2015. In 2016, Haugabrook won the Ovum Industry Congress Award for Innovation in Analytics and Big Data. Haugabook also received University Business Magazine's Models of Excellence Award in 2015, and their Models of Efficiency Award in 2013.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Haugabrook is a Rotarian. He's also an outdoorsman with a strong passion for hiking, hunting and fishing (no technology required).

You can connect with Haugabrook through LinkedIn and on Twitter @BrianHaugabrook.

Articles by this author:

The EvoLLLution Year in Review