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Author Profile

Brandon Arolfo | Senior Director of Content Development for PBS Digital Services, Public Broadcasting System

Brandon Arolfo | Senior Director of Content Development for PBS Digital Services, Public Broadcasting System

Current Position and Past Experience
Brandon Arolfo is an Emmy-winning and Grammy-nominated content strategist, with a 15-year career developing and producing programming for TV, Youtube, Facebook Watch, OTT and other platforms. As Senior Director of Content Development for PBS Digital Services, Arolfo leads strategy, development and production of original programming across multiple platforms, collaborating with PBS Broadcast, BBC and PBS member stations to produce content from concept to delivery.

Prior to joining PBS, Arolfo served as Executive in Charge of Production and Executive Producer of My Country Nation, a Youtube network with 20 original channels and branded content.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Arolfo holds a Bachelor’s degree in Radio, Television and Film from the University of North Texas.

You can connect with Brandon Adolfo on LinkedIn.

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Avoiding summer melt