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Author Profile

Bill Pink | President, Grand Rapids Community College

Bill Pink | President, Grand Rapids Community College

Current Position and Past Experience
Bill Pink is President of Grand Rapids Community College.

Prior to being appointed President, Pink served as Vice President and Dean for Workforce Development at Grand Rapids Community College, following his tenure as Vice President for Academic Affairs at Oklahoma State University. Before joining Oklahoma State University, Pink was an Associate Dean for the College of Education and Professional Studies at University of Central Oklahoma. For a brief period in his career, Pink worked as a State Director for Program Accreditation at Oklahoma Commission for Teacher Preparation. Pink has been an educator for 25 years as a Teacher and Coach in Oklahoma, Nebraska and Oregon.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Pink earned his Associates Degree from York College and his BA from Oklahoma Christian University. He holds an MA from the University of Central Oklahoma and a PhD from the University of Oklahoma.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Pink helps his community by participating on the Board of Directors for Family Builders of Oklahoma City and a member of the Selection Committee for the National Merit Scholarship Council. Pink also serves as a Worship Minister at Alameda Church of Christ in Norman Oklahoma.

You can find Dr. Pink on LinkedIn.

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Avoiding summer melt