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Benjamin Deaton | Vice President of the Office of Technology, Online Learning and Innovation, Anderson University

Benjamin Deaton | Vice President of the Office of Technology, Online Learning and Innovation, Anderson University

Current Position and Past Experience
Benjamin Deaton was appointed Vice President of Technology, Online Learning and Innovation at Anderson University in May, 2018. In this position, Deaton is responsible for bringing together the core services of learning and information technology, online learning, learning design and academic innovation to serve the needs of Anderson University students. Concurrently, Deaton serves as Executive Director of the Center for Innovation and Digital Learning (CIDL) at Anderson University.

Prior to taking on his current role, Dr. Deaton served Assistant Provost for Academic Innovation and Digital Learning. Since joining AU in 2010, he has taking a leading role in launching AU’s Mobile Learning Initiative, creating the Center for Innovation and Digital Learning, launching a Coding and App Development Minor, and helping to elevate AU among the top US News & World Report rankings for schools offering online bachelor’s degree programs.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Benjamin Deaton holds a Ph.D. in Instructional Technology from the University of Georgia, an M.S. in Computer Science from Clemson University, and a B.S. in Mathematics and Computer Science from Carson-Newman University. He is an Apple Distinguished Educator.

You can connect with Benjamin Deaton on LinkedIn.

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