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Becky Klein-Collins | Associate Vice President of Advancement and Impact, CAEL

Becky Klein-Collins | Associate Vice President of Advancement and Impact, CAEL

Current Position and Past Experience
Becky Klein-Collins is currently Associate Vice President of Advancement and Impact at the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL). Prior, she was Associate Vice President of Research and Policy Development. She was also Senior Director of Research and Policy Development. This followed five years as CAEL’s Director of Research, and five years where she held a variety of positions with the association.

Klein-Collins also spent seven years as an Independent Writing and Research Consultant.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Klein Collins earned her BA from Grinnell College, and two master’s degrees, her MA from Indiana University-Bloomington, and her MPA from the University of Chicago.

You can connect with Becky on LinkedIn

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