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Author Profile

Audrey Penner | President, Northern College

Audrey Penner | President, Northern College

Current Position and Past Experience
Dr. Audrey J. Penner is currently President of Northern College. Previously, she was the Vice President Academic and Student Success. She was responsible for all academic planning, policy and procedures at Northern College, including applied research. She co-chairs the Northern Colleges Collaborative Program project, which is a consortium of six colleges in Northern Ontario, committed to assuring access for learners. Her leadership is evident in her role as director on the Board for eCampus Ontario, a driver for online and technology enabled learning in Ontario Post-secondary education. She co-chairs the Committee of Vice Presidents Academic, Colleges Ontario. She is also an adjunct professor at the University of Prince Edward Island. She has worked and lived in four Canadian provinces, with experience in a variety of PSE environments.

She has led research teams in a variety of social innovation areas that support learner success, labor force development, community needs, quality assessment and human capital expansion. She has worked as a teacher, administrator, consultant, researcher, and senior leader in the postsecondary environment. She has published nationally and internationally on PSE trends and issues.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Penner earned her Bachelor’s Degree at the University of Waterloo in 2000. In 2002, she completed her Master’s at the University of Prince Edward Island. She completed her Doctor of Education at the University of Calgary in 2007.

She is the recipient of several professional awards including Alumni of Distinction, University of Manitoba, 2004. She has received numerous local, provincial and national recognition for her volunteer work.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Audrey and her husband Bob, are avid gardeners. They travel extensively and have been volunteers in developing countries in Central America. They share an extended family of 7 children and 10 grandchildren

Audrey Penner can be found on LinkedIn.

Articles by this author:

Driving modern student success in higher ed