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Author Profile

Arthur Stewart | Senior Director for Audit Strategies and Plans (Retired), Treasury Board Secretariat of Canada

Arthur Stewart | Senior Director for Audit Strategies and Plans (Retired), Treasury Board Secretariat of Canada

Current Position and Past Experience
Arthur Stewart is currently a consultant and author after retiring from the Canadian federal public service. While in the public service, Stewart served for four years as the Senior Director of Audit Strategies and Plans with the Treasury Board of Canada, and for seven years as the Director of Corporate Governance with the Canada Revenue Agency.

Currently, Stewart serves as an independent management consulting providing advice in audit, business intelligence, financial management, performance measurement, governance and strategic policy planning. He is a contributor to publications including Canadian Government Executive and Internal Auditor Magazine.

Stewart serves as Treasurer and Past President of the Performance and Planning Exchange, a Canada-based learning and research organization dedicated to identifying and sharing best practices in the results-based management field.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Stewart earned his BA (Hons) from Carleton University in 1975.

A prolific lifelong learner, Stewart has been engaged in numerous professional development and ongoing education programs over the course of his career. He is currently taking university courses in physics, demography and music.

He also continues to enroll in classes to stay on top of changes in his field.

Personal Details and Community Involvement
Art is married with two children, Angela (a lawyer) and Mike (chemical engineer). He is actively involved in Ottawa community groups, including the YMCA.

Art is on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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