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April-Dawn Blackwell | Associate Vice-President of Professional and Continuing Studies, Brock University

April-Dawn Blackwell | Associate Vice-President of Professional and Continuing Studies, Brock University

Current Position and Past Experience
April-Dawn Blackwell is the Associate Vice-President of Professional and Continuing Studies at Brock University.

Previously, has held national roles in life-long learning, worked in a corporate university setting, was elected the inaugural provincial chair for the Heads of Quality Management while leading an institutional quality assurance office and the lead for international articulation agreements. She has been honoured with education, quality, team, and international partner awards.

April-Dawn has been invited to speak in North America, Southeast Asia and locally about Blended Learning, Academic Quality, Partnership Development, Recognition of Learning, Pathways, Custom Training Solutions, Product Launches and more.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Blackwell completed her undergrad in Australia at Western Sydney University and her graduate studies in Canada at Western University’s Ivey Business School.

You can connect with April-Dawn Blackwell on LinkedIn

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