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Author Profile

Anthony Frank | President, Colorado State University

Anthony Frank | President, Colorado State University

Current Position and Past Experience
Since 2009, Anthony Frank has been the President of Colorado State University. Frank has held a number of positions with CSU since joining the institution in 1993 as an Assistant Professor. Frank rose through the ranks, becoming Chair of the Department of Pathology in 1996, and in 1998 becoming the Associate Dean of Research while holding his position as Chair. In 2000, Frank became the Vice President for Research and Information Technology, and four years later assumed the role of Provost and Senior Vice President.

Frank got his start in higher education as an Assistant Professor of Toxicology and Veterinary Medicine at Oregon State University, a position he held from 1989-1993.

Education, Honors and Achievements
Frank earned his BA in Biology from Wartburg College in 1981. In 1983 he earned his BS in Veterinary Medicine from the University of Illinois—Urbana Champaign. He earned his DVM from the same institution two years later. He earned his PhD in Comparative Pathology in 1988 from Purdue University. In 2001, Frank earned a certification from Harvard University’s Institute for Education Management.

Frank was awarded the Carl J. Norden Distinguished Teaching Award at both Colorado State and Oregon State University.

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